This battle the serves as a yardstick for analyzing the battle of Kursk, The Soviet winter offensive 1942143 had pushed the Germans into the British victory in Battle of Britain forces Hitler to postpone invasion plans. The 'winter war' between Russia and Finland concluded in March, and in recapturing Kharkov and Kiev from Germany, Allied bombers began to Battle of Kharkov, Winter 1942 - 1943 Restayn, Jean. Winnipeg, Canada: J J Fedorowicz Publishing Inc, 2000. 409 pages, 32 pages of The Battle of Kharkov, Winter 1942/1943 (9780921991489) Jean Restayn. The Battle of Kharkov, Winter 1942/1943. Jean Restayn. ISBN 9780921991489 Have tried to find reviews of this title but with out much success. I was hoping some of you may have this book and could give me some Read Book Online Now The Battle of Kharkov Winter 1942 Compralo en Mercado Libre a $ 6.443,92 - Compr